A Closer Look at the Theory Behind Collaborative Leadership [Study]

Jonathan T. Clark

Submitted to the PhD in Leadership and Change Program of Antioch University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy

October, 2008


Implicit in leadership behavior is the ability to work with others, to be in relationship, and to collaborate. Contemporary theories about leadership have shifted from a focus on the individual “leader” toward the collective act of “leadership.” A concrete understanding of collaborative leadership remains somewhat underdeveloped in the literature and theoretically. This dissertation is a case study of organization’s efforts to change from autocratic organizational leadership to a more collaborative working environment. Taking the form of a literary portrait, the study analyzes an example of action learning about collaborative leadership. The portrait will be of the agency’s change, with special attention given to the issues facing the leadership team as it wrestles to change from top-down to collaborative leadership practice. The primary research question is: In today’s shifting landscape, what practices and conditions will optimize the development of a collaborative working environment? Findings were that the development of a collaborative working environment can be optimized through the careful cultivation of the ten themes that emerged from the study:

  1. on-going learning and continuous development,

  2. flexibility,

  3. trust,

  4. respect/esteem/ positive regard,

  5. willingness/commitment,

  6. facilitative process (establishment of norms, ground rules/agreements, inclusivity, process capability/tacit knowledge of functional group process),

  7. realistic optimism/positive personality/resilience/solution/strength/future focus,

  8. communication skills,

  9. social intelligence (ability to transcend the ego and to self-organize and motivate), and

  10. an appropriate level of technical competence.


Favorite Models for Family Businesses Experiencing Conflict

When family-run businesses experience conflict, there are strategies that I bring in to not only address the conflict within the business environment, but also within the personal family system.

- Joc Clark

Recommended readings and resources:

Deconstructing Conflict 

Deconstructing Conflict: Understanding Family Business, Shared Wealth and Power

Deconstructing Conflict: Understanding Family Business, Shared Wealth and Power

I partner with Continuity Family Business Consulting to offer family businesses the most powerful solutions for conflicts.  

Check out their book, "Deconstructing Conflict: Understanding Family Business, Shared Wealth and Power," recommended reading for all my family business clients.  This is the handbook that we use to understand and intervene with conflict for sustainably positive results.

 Dr. Maurie Lung:

Power of Family - Activities for families in conflict

Power of One - Therapeutic experience activities for couples in conflict

Training Wheels Inc.

by Michelle Cummings

Icebreakers - Resources for experiential activities and facilitation


Personality Temperament Assessment Tool - Based on Myers-Briggs, this tool helps you learn to better understand common personality types in yourself, your team, and your co-workers, seeing the strengths in each.

PACE Palette Reference Chart - by Joc Clark

I hope these resources compliment your organization’s development. For in-depth guidance on how to apply these resources to your organization or company, contact me to get started. I look forward to working with you to help you and your team master collaboration.


Favorite Models - Recources for Working Better Together

Here are some of my favorite tools for working to create collaborative working environments.

- Joc


CliftonStrengths | Gallup

Assessment tool for teams to discover individual strengths.

Gallup Assessment   

Association for Experiential Education

AEE is a leader in the field of experiential education. As far as my “home team”, I consider AEE to be my community of practice. I was the Regional Chair for the West for roughly five years. I still regularly attend and present at their conferences.

AEE Website


This is my go to for all things adventure-based, experiential and involving outdoor education.

Wilderdom Website

Michelle Cummings and Training Wheels

Great resources for experiential activities and facilitation.

Training Wheels Website

PACE Palette

Personality Temperament Assessment Tool - Based on Myers-Briggs, this tool helps you learn to better understand common personality types in yourself, your team, and your co-workers, seeing the strengths in each.

PACE Palette Reference Chart - by Joc Clark

D. Patrick Lencioni & the Table Group:

Table Group Tools

Partnering With Parents

Experiential activities for families in conflict.

Parent Tune Up


On Collaborative Leadership [Interview]

Joc Clark's Radio Interview with Kimberely Heart: Monday July 20, 2009


"Collaborative Leadership:  The old paradigm no longer works and the systems of singular authority and power over are breaking. So now what?

Can a company really use the wisdom of all its people to better the life blood of the company and enhance the work life of its people?

Our guest tonight Dr. Joc Clark founder of Ally Based Leadership answers a resounding yes. The aspects of true leadership is a process not
necessarily a single person.

Tonight we ask the question,"What is the best that is going on and how do we replicate that."

What is the best going on in your business?"