Here are some of my favorite tools for working to create collaborative working environments.
- Joc
CliftonStrengths | Gallup
Assessment tool for teams to discover individual strengths.
Association for Experiential Education
AEE is a leader in the field of experiential education. As far as my “home team”, I consider AEE to be my community of practice. I was the Regional Chair for the West for roughly five years. I still regularly attend and present at their conferences.
This is my go to for all things adventure-based, experiential and involving outdoor education.
Michelle Cummings and Training Wheels
Great resources for experiential activities and facilitation.
PACE Palette
Personality Temperament Assessment Tool - Based on Myers-Briggs, this tool helps you learn to better understand common personality types in yourself, your team, and your co-workers, seeing the strengths in each.
PACE Palette Reference Chart - by Joc Clark